A Couple of Things to Know Before Your Appointment
Thank you for calling our office and scheduling an appointment with one of my, personally trained, licensed agents regarding your Medicare.
We are very excited to help you and want to let you know that you are in good hands. We are unbiased with the companies that we work with and our job is to educate you and show you all the options regarding Medicare. Whether you've been on Medicare for a while, or are going on for the first time, we are here to help.
I have put together a few videos that I recommend you watch that will prepare you for your upcoming appointment. This is the perfect time to write down your questions and we will be more than happy to answer them.
If you have any questions before your appointment, please call us anytime.
Getting Started
Choosing a Medicare Policy
Medicare Supplement Plan N: The New Best Plan and What You Need to Know
Medicare Advantage: Things to keep in mind: